When To Hire Team Of Blockchain Developers?

When we talk about the tech world, we see a technical person commonly known as the 'IT Guy' everywhere. We are not just referring to workplaces, even movies have one IT guy who has to deal with all the technical issues from minor bugs to major backend development. The industry that started at 225 billion US Dollars in 2009 is now expected to hit 752 billion US Dollars in 2023.

The revenue and potential are, without a doubt, amazing. However, the problems that companies and recruiters face are finding the right people and knowing when to hire a team. This is especially true for backend development teams. Many startups and businesses fail to recognize the need for blockchain developers. Plus, it is also difficult to find the right developers with the required skills without overspending. These problems when combined pose a major concern for companies. Once, you have determined if you need a backend team or not, the rest of it becomes history. Here's how you can decide whether your company needs a dedicated team of backend developers or not:

You Have a Project with a Tight Deadline

Imagine a scenario where your in-house team is already working on an important project but the deadline is approaching fast and they are not even halfway through. Your first thought in such a situation would be to hire more developers, so you can speed up the process and have the final product ready before the deadline. However, hiring new backend developers can take months. Can you wait for 3 months for them to join your team? Obviously, no.

That's where a dedicated backend team steps in. All you have to do is get them onboard and enlist their help only for high-priority tasks. The organization or vendor you contact for the task will be responsible for the selection and onboarding and you will have a fully functional team in less than 2 weeks.

You Need to Redesign a Project

Development projects are difficult but redesign projects like web platforms and apps are from a whole other league. They follow a long series of tasks, including ascertaining the project’s new goals, doing competitor analysis, reviewing user trends, and conducting surveys for customer feedback, so you can update the current features accordingly. In other words, redesign projects involve great attention to detail and meticulous attention. An in-house team cannot handle all of it with other tasks going on.

The perk of having a dedicated team is that these teams have worked with other companies on other projects in the past. This enables them to learn new techniques all the time and puts them in a position where they can develop a robust redesign strategy for you on the go.

Your Company is Facing a Shortage of Development Skills

Developers are required to keep themselves updated with all the new trends in the technical world as part of their job. However, it isn’t possible for them to learn new technologies, especially when they’ve to work with specific languages at work. This can sometimes come in the way of new projects that require developers to use new skills.


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